Fallo de seguridad de OpenSSL en Debian
Por mainake
departamento no-me-toques-los-bajos , Sección Comunidad Puesto a las Tue Jul 30th, 2002 at 05:01:38 PM CET
Según del Debian Security Advisory DSA-136-1 (que todavía no esta en la web de Debian), se han encontrado varias vulnerabilidades en el paquete openssl (versiones: openssl094_0.9.4-6.woody.0, openssl095_0.9.5a-6.woody.0 y openssl_0.9.6c-2.woody.0). Se recomienda actualizarse.
Pego aquí parte del aviso:
Package : openssl
Problem type : multiple remote exploits
Debian-specific: no
CVE : CAN-2002-0655 CAN-2002-0656 CAN-2002-0657 CAN-2002-0659
The OpenSSL development team has announced that a security audit by A.L.
Digital Ltd and The Bunker, under the DARPA CHATS program, has revealed
remotely exploitable buffer overflow conditions in the OpenSSL code.
Additionaly, the ASN1 parser in OpenSSL has a potential DoS attack
independently discovered by Adi Stav and James Yonan.
CAN-2002-0655 references overflows in buffers used to hold ASCII
representations of integers on 64 bit platforms. CAN-2002-0656
references buffer overflows in the SSL2 server implementation (by
sending an invalid key to the server) and the SSL3 client implementation
(by sending a large session id to the client). The SSL2 issue was also
noticed by Neohapsis, who have privately demonstrated exploit code for
this issue. CAN-2002-0659 references the ASN1 parser DoS issue. |